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Medicare prescription drugs

We make filling Part D prescriptions easier and more affordable.

Get started with your pharmacy coverage

If this is your first time having a Medicare Advantage plan, let us help you get the most from your pharmacy benefits. 

Drug coverage

Prescription drug plans cover only those drugs eligible for coverage under Medicare Part D.

These plans come with a formulary, or a list of covered prescription drugs, which are grouped into tiers. Some drugs may be listed in more than one tier if they are available as both generic and brand-name or if there are multiple strengths for the drug.

Medicare Part D plans do not cover certain drugs that are excluded by law, such as over-the-counter medications and prescription vitamins.

Help with paying your costs

Some members may qualify for the Part D Extra Help Program and Low-Income Subsidy.

If you get Extra Help from Medicare to help pay for your Medicare prescription drug plan costs, your monthly plan premium will be lower than what it would be if you did not get Extra Help from Medicare. The amount of Extra Help you get will determine your total monthly plan premium as a member of our plan.

Your pharmacy network

Blue Medicare Advantage and Blue Medicare Rx members can go to any pharmacy in our network to pick up a prescription drug. Our network includes retail, long-term care, home infusion, Indian Health Service / Tribal / Urban Indian Health Program (I / T / U), specialty, and mail-order pharmacies.

Your costs for some drugs may be less at pharmacies that offer preferred cost-sharing. This is known as our Preferred Pharmacy network. Some pharmacies in our preferred network are listed below. 

Preferred Retail Pharmacies

  • Harris Teeter
  • Sam's Club
  • Walgreens
  • Walmart
  • Others

Experience Health Medicare Advantage (HMO) and Healthy Blue + Medicare (HMO-POS D-SNP) members do not have a Preferred Pharmacy network. Members of these plans may go to any pharmacy in their network.

Preferred Mail Order Pharmacies

  • Express Scripts Pharmacy (ESI)
  • Walgreens Mail Service

Learn more about prescription drugs by mail.

Learn more about your coverage

Find out more about prescription drug coverage, including information on benefits, how to read your explanation of benefits (EOB), drug category tiers, and other important details.