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The journey to a new heart

“I had a ticking clock on my life.” For a guy like Ed, receiving a heart transplant certainly wasn’t on his life’s bingo card. The active entrepreneur was busy running his business in western North Carolina and overseas when a heart attack set off a series of events that would change his life forever.

After years of procedures and visits with doctors to explain growing concerns, Ed felt like his life was no longer in his own hands. That’s when he qualified for the transplant list. And now? After receiving his new heart in 2023, Ed is thriving.1 He’s written a second book, auditioned for local theater productions and attends a weekly dance class. “When it’s all on the line, what matters is who shows up for you and how they show up. I knew I wasn’t alone, and that made all the difference.”

What’s next for Ed on his grand adventure? Thanks to his new heart, whatever he wants.

Ed is a Blue Medicare Supplement member. This is his story.

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  1. Ed was on the Blue Medicare Supplement Plan F in 2023.

Blue Medicare Supplement is not endorsed by or affiliated with the United States Government or the federal Medicare program.