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Empowering Kim to live healthier

When Kim found that her diabetes – and elevated A1C level – would keep her from getting a badly needed knee surgery, she knew she had to make some changes. She took advantage of the “Feed Your Health” program available at no cost as part of her Blue Cross NC health insurance plan – and as Kim said, “… it changed my life.”1 The program empowered Kim to prepare healthier meals, not only for herself but for her family as well. “Feed Your Health” helped Kim take control of her diabetes and her overall health. As she put it, “… it’s the best thing I ever did.”  

Kim shares her story

[Kim speaking]

Anyone that knows me, knows, I don’t cook so I said, “what are you talking about?”


[screen text] Feed Your Health

[screen text] Kim, member since 2003

Feed Your Health changed my life because I was living in denial about my Diabetes.

It made, it empowered me, it provided me tools and an amazing nutritionist.

My A1C was 9.8. I wanted to have a knee surgery and my doctor said that I could not have a surgery.

No way, with an A1C that high.

[screen text] How it started

[Kim speaking]

Feed Your Health is a program that Blue Cross and Blue Shield of North Carolina offers.

And I decided if I fit the criteria I have to go for it.

[screen text] How it’s going

I got free meals. What do you mean though, seriously? How much did you pay?

I said, laughs, I didn’t pay anything.

[Kim speaking]

I learned how to cook all these fresh foods that were delivered to my house.

Everything in that grocery bag, that’s fresh, I had a recipe for, and I know how to cook.

It encouraged us to eat better, to shop better, make better decisions.

One of the biggest one is really having that one on one connection with my nutritionist. Just to have someone to talk to, to encourage like on days that I didn’t feel that I could walk up this hill at my house with my dog.

She’s like, you know, I think you can do it. Laughs. Ok. Laughs

[Kim speaking]

She gave me the courage to walk to the stop sign. The inspiration? To go outside and breathe, get some fresh air.

And know that whatever challenging times that I was having, that I could work through it. She was really good.


I didn’t join Feed Your Health just for me. I did it for my family because they need me, and I need them.

That’s why I took control of my health. It is the best thing that I ever did. And especially to see my numbers now, it’s like wow!

I could tell when people were saying, “Hey Kim, you look good. You’re doing something different.”

I was like “yeah, I am. I’m on Feed Your Health Program, are you on it?” Laughs. Like you should be on it.

[screen text] Blue Cross Blue Shield of North Carolina

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  1. Must be currently enrolled in an eligible Blue Cross NC health plan and meet certain eligibility requirements. Some plan exclusions may apply. For information regarding eligibility call NourishedRx at 844-727-6670.