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Employer Plans

Large group health insurance

Blue Cross and Blue Shield of North Carolina (Blue Cross NC) offers plans tailored to fit companies with 51 or more full-time employees.

Health plans and networks for large companies

The larger the network, the more doctors and pharmacies in that network. But a larger network with more doctors and pharmacies also means the health plan may cost more. 

Looking to control your employee plan costs while getting the most value? Use our employer solutions to optimize your network and strengthen the foundation of your workforce’s health plan.

Choose from these plan options

Find the perfect health plan for your business. Choose the right balance of network, coverage options and benefits.

Blue High Performance Network℠ (BlueHPN℠)

  • Nearly 21% premium savings1
  • Up to 20% cost-of-care savings in some markets2
  • Carefully selected network of doctors and hospitals
  • Available in select NC areas3

Blue Options® PPO

  • Largest Blue Cross NC provider and hospital network
  • Integrated Rx drug benefit
  • Available in all 100 NC counties
  • Coverage extends across the US and around the world4

Consumer-driven health plans (CDHPs)

We work with HealthEquity, Inc.® to offer our members consumer-driven group insurance solutions that fully integrate with their health plan. These CDHPs deliver tax-favorable HSAs, HRAs and FSAs with cost-saving benefits.5

Understanding your plan options

Health Savings Account (HSA)

  • Employer or employee funds with pre-tax dollars up to limits set by the IRS6
  • May be used for qualified medical expenses
  • Unused amounts roll over to the next year without penalty
  • Pair with any eligible high-deductible health plan on any network

Health Reimbursement Account (HRA)

  • Employer funds and owns the account
  • May only be used for qualified medical expenses
  • Enrollee is not required to participate in a high-deductible health plan

Flexible Spending Account (FSA)

  • Employee funds with pre-tax dollars by voluntary salary reduction (employer may contribute)
  • May be used for qualified medical expenses, equipment and services
  • Employee forfeits any balance remaining at end of year (a “use-it-or-lose-it” account)
  • Enrollee is not required to participate in a high-deductible health plan

Shop other plans for your company

Dental plans

Shop large group dental plans

Vision plans

Shop large group vision plans

Supplemental benefits

Shop for supplemental employer benefits

Find care that's right for you

Find in-network doctors, facilities, prescriptions, and more. Explore care options, or log in to Blue Connect to search existing coverage.

Health plan funding options

When you choose fully insured, we'll underwrite your group’s medical expenses, as well as provide full administrative services. This is the simplest, most effort-free health plan coverage option for businesses.  


  • A simple monthly premium  
  • Predictable and stable health care costs 
  • Peace of mind, ease and convenience – we handle the details 
  • Health benefits without claims cost risks 

This funding option offers groups with at least 20 eligible employees the advantages of a self-funded plan with the financial protection and predictable monthly payments of a fully insured plan.


  • Potential savings that can come from self-funding 
  • Predictable monthly rates, similar to a fully insured plan 
  • Integrated stop-loss coverage 
  • Money-back opportunities 

Our self-funded option offers control and flexibility in plan design for large businesses (more than 100 full time employees). Self-funded, or Administrative Services Only (ASO), arrangements allow the business to fund their own health benefits and claims while Blue Cross NC provides all or some administrative services. 


  • Stop-loss insurance to limit potential claims losses 
  • Flexibility in plan design 
  • More control over cash flow 

Health and wellness resources

We offer helpful resources to help get the most from you plan.7

Blue Connect member site

Access the tools8 you need to manage your health plan and health care.

Blue365® health and wellness discounts

Save on health and wellness products, including Fitbit®, LASIK, and more!9

Preventive care covered services

Many services and prescriptions are considered preventive and covered at 100%.10

Affordable Care Act (ACA) requirements

Based on your company size, you may be subject to a penalty if you choose not to offer your employees health insurance.11

More information is available through the Health Insurance Marketplace® at

Request a large group quote

See your large group insurance options. We'll put together a detailed quote for your team.