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Blue Cross NC Injectable Asthma Treatment Medical Policy Update

Effective January 1, 2025, Blue Cross and Blue Shield of North Carolina (Blue Cross NC) will update its Reslizumab (Cinqair®) utilization criteria to require use of the provider-administered formulations of Fasenra® and Nucala® prior to utilizing Cinqair for all requests. Any existing authorizations for Cinqair will be active through the original prior authorization approval date.

This change applies to all commercial and Administrative Services Only (ASO) members. This policy does not apply to FEP (Federal Employee Program) or Medicare members.

Actions Required Due to These Changes

Providers with members on Cinqair should utilize Fasenra and Nucala before using Cinqair. Any members who are currently using non-preferred Cinqair should be moved to Fasenra or Nucala once their existing authorization ends.

Please continue to submit all requests through Blue e for fastest processing times.

Learn more about Interleukin-5 Antagonists (PDF).