Radiation Therapy Services
The American Society for Radiation Oncology (ASTRO) defines Intensity Modulated Radiation Therapy (IMRT) as a technology for delivering highly conformal external beam radiation to a well-defined treatment volume with radiation beams whose intensity varies across the beam. IMRT is particularly useful for delivering a highly conformal radiation dose to targets positioned near sensitive normal tissues.
Superficial Radiation Therapy (SRT) delivers radiation therapy using low energy x-rays. This technology avoids deep tissue damage by only penetrating the skin.
This reimbursement policy applies to professional and facility claims for radiation therapy services related to, or as part of, IMRT or SRT plan development.
Same group practice is defined as a physician and/or other qualified health care professional of the same specialty with the same Federal Tax ID number.
Blue Cross Blue Shield North Carolina (Blue Cross NC) will reimburse radiation therapy related services according to the criteria outlined in this policy.
Reimbursement Guidelines
IMRT/ Proton Beam Therapy (CPT® 77301)
CPT® codes 77280, 77285, 77290, 77295, 77306, 77307, 77321, 77331 and 77370 are not separately reimbursable when performed the day of or within 30 days (prior to, or after) CPT® code 77301 by the same group practice for the same member.
Modifier 59 is appropriate to represent a distinct procedural service for a different tumor on a different date of service, and unrelated to the IMRT plan.
Multi-lead collimator (MLC) device(s) for intensity modulated radiation therapy (IMRT), design and construction per IMRT plan (CPT® 77338) is reported once per IMRT plan and is limited to 3 units per 60 day treatment course.
SRT (CPT® 77401)
Simulation (CPT® 77280, 77285 or 77290) is only reimbursable once per 60 day course of treatment.
Basic radiation dosimetry calculation (CPT® 77300) is only reimbursable once per 60 day course of treatment.
Image guidance (HCPCS G6001) is not reimbursable when performed with SRT.
Radiology Maximum Units/Frequency
Stereotactic Radiosurgery (SRS) for cranial lesions (simple or complex) is reported once per course of treatment and is only reimbursable one unit per two weeks. Additional cranial lesions should not be reported more than four times for an entire course of treatment (two weeks) regardless of the number of lesions treated and may be reported only once per lesion.
SRS for spinal lesions is reported once per course of treatment and is only reimbursable one unit per two weeks. Additional spinal lesions should not be reported more than two times for the entire course of treatment (two weeks) regardless of the number of lesions treated and may be reported only once per lesion.
Stereotactic body radiation treatment (CPT® 77371-77373) and, stereotactic radiosurgery treatment (G0339, G0340) should not be reported more than five sessions for an entire course of treatment regardless of number of lesions treated. Since a treatment course is typically defined as two weeks, this combination of codes should only be reported up to five times per two weeks.
Additionally, stereotactic radiation treatment delivery (CPT® 77371, 77372) and stereotactic radiosurgery (G0339) represent a complete course of stereotactic radiosurgery treatment and should not be reported more than once for a single two-week course of treatment.
Radiation therapy management with complete course of therapy consisting of 1 or 2 fractions only will be limited to 1 session per 60 days.
Stereotactic radiation treatment management of cranial lesion(s), complete course of treatment consisting of 1 session should not be reported more than once in a two-week treatment course.
Treatment management for SBRT is limited to one visit per two-week treatment course.
Special treatment procedures (77470) should only be reported once per two-week treatment course.
In line with the American Society for Radiation Oncology (ASTRO), CPT® 77301, which represents the IMRT also includes other related radiation therapy services performed as part of the development of the IMRT plan.
According to CMS, CPT® 77280, 77285, 77290, 77295, 77306, 77307, 77321, 77331 and 77370 may not be billed separately if they are performed as part of developing an IMRT treatment plan, regardless of whether they are billed on the same or a different date of service (CMS Manual, chapter 4, §§ 200.3.1 and 200.3.2).
Billing and Coding
Applicable codes are for reference only and may not be all inclusive. For further information on reimbursement guidelines, please see the Blue Cross NC web site at www.bcbsnc.com.
CPT® / HCPCS Code / Modifier | Description |
77280 | Therapeutic radiology simulation-aided field setting; simple |
77285 | Therapeutic radiology simulation-aided field setting; intermediate |
77290 | Therapeutic radiology simulation-aided field setting; complex |
77295 | 3-dimensional radiotherapy plan, including dose-volume histograms |
77300 | Basic radiation dosimetry calculation |
77301 | Intensity modulated radiotherapy plan, including dose-volume histograms for target and critical structure partial tolerance specifications |
77306 | Teletherapy isodose plan; simple (1 or 2 unmodified ports directed to a single area of interest), includes basic dosimetry calculation(s) |
77307 | Teletherapy isodose plan; complex (multiple treatment areas, tangential ports, the use of wedges, blocking, rotational beam, or special beam considerations), includes basic dosimetry calculation(s) |
77321 | Special teletherapy port plan, particles, hemibody, total body |
77331 | Special dosimetry (eg, TLD, microdosimetry) (specify), only when prescribed by the treating physician |
77338 | Multi-leaf collimator (MLC) device(s) for intensity modulated radiation therapy (IMRT), design and construction per IMRT plan |
77370 | Special medical radiation physics consultation |
77371 | Radiation treatment delivery, stereotactic radiosurgery (SRS), complete course of treatment of cranial lesion(s) consisting of 1 session; multi-source Cobalt 60 based |
77372 | Radiation treatment delivery, stereotactic radiosurgery (SRS), complete course of treatment of cranial lesion(s) consisting of 1 session; linear accelerator based |
77373 | Stereotactic body radiation therapy, treatment delivery, per fraction to 1 or more lesions, including image guidance, entire course not to exceed 5 fractions |
77401 | Radiation treatment delivery, superficial and/or ortho voltage, per day |
77470 | Special treatment procedure (eg, total body irradiation, hemibody radiation, per oral or endocavitary irradiation) |
G0339 | Image guided robotic linear accelerator-based stereotactic radiosurgery, complete course of therapy in one session or first session of fractionated treatment |
G0340 | Image guided robotic linear accelerator-based stereotactic radiosurgery, delivery including collimator changes and custom plugging, fractionated treatment, all lesions, per session, second through fifth sessions, maximum five sessions per course of treatment |
G6001 | Ultrasonic guidance for placement of radiation therapy fields |
Modifier 59 | Distinct Procedural Service |
Related Policy
Bundling Guidelines
Outpatient Code Editor (OCE) Edits
Intensity Modulated Radiation Therapy (IMRT) of the Chest (Medical Policy)
Intensity Modulated Radiation Therapy (IMRT) for Sarcoma of the Extremities (Medical Policy)
Intensity-Modulated Radiation Therapy (IMRT) of the Prostate (Medical Policy)
Intensity Modulated Radiation Therapy (IMRT) of Head and Neck (Medical Policy)
Intensity Modulated Radiation Therapy for Tumors of the Central Nervous System (Medical Policy)
ASTRO IMRP Planning American Society for Radiation Oncology
Medicare Claims Processing Manual, Chapter 4 Medicare Claims Processing Manual (cms.gov)
ASTRO Basics of Coding American Society for Radiation Oncology (ASTRO)
4/20/2021 New policy developed. Notification on 4/20/2021 for effective date 7/1/2021. (eel)
10/1/2021 Policy renamed from “Intensity Modulated Radiation Therapy“ to “Radiation Therapy Services“. Policy expanded from IMRT to include SRT. Notification on 10/1/2021 for effective date 11/30/2021. (eel)
12/30/21 Routine policy review. Medical Director approved. (eel)
6/1/22 Policy language updated throughout. Multi-lead collimator added to Reimbursement Guidelines. Listing of “Radiology Maximum Units/Frequency” added to Reimbursement Guidelines. Medical Director approved. Notification on 3/31/2022 for effective date 6/1/2022. (eel)
12/31/2022 Routine policy review. Minor revisions only. (ckb)
1/1/2024 Routine policy review. Code 77301 and proton beam therapy clarified. Medical Director approved. (ss)
11/1/2024 Clarification to the definition of same group practice. No change to policy intent. (tlc)
These reimbursement requirements apply to all commercial, Administrative Services Only (ASO), and Blue Card Inter-Plan Program Host members (other Plans members who seek care from the NC service area). This policy does not apply to Blue Cross NC members who seek care in other states.
This policy relates only to the services or supplies described herein. Please refer to the Member's Benefit Booklet for availability of benefits. Member's benefits may vary according to benefit design; therefore member benefit language should be reviewed before applying the terms of this policy.
Reimbursement policy is not an authorization, certification, explanation of benefits or a contract. Benefits and eligibility are determined before medical guidelines and payment guidelines are applied. Benefits are determined by the group contract and subscriber certificate that is in effect at the time services are rendered. This document is solely provided for informational purposes only and is based on research of current medical literature and review of common medical practices in the treatment and diagnosis of disease. Medical practices and knowledge are constantly changing and Blue Cross NC reserves the right to review and revise its medical and reimbursement policies periodically.
Blue Cross and Blue Shield of North Carolina does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national origin, sex, age or disability in its health programs and activities. Learn more about our non-discrimination policy and no-cost services available to you.
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