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Observation, Facility

Commercial Reimbursement Policy
Origination: 06/2022
Last Review: 01/2025


Observation services are the use of a bed and periodic monitoring and/or short-term treatment by a hospital’s nursing or other staff. These services are used to evaluate a patient’s condition to determine the need for possible inpatient admission. Observation care provides a method of evaluation and treatment as an alternative to inpatient hospitalization. Observation services are member-specific and not typically part of a standard operating procedure or facility protocol for a given diagnosis or service.


Blue Cross Blue Shield North Carolina (Blue Cross NC) will reimburse facility observation services according to the criteria outlined in this policy.

Reimbursement Guidelines

Reimbursement will be allowed for facility observation services billed between 8 and 48 hours. Observation services must be provided on the same date of service or day after either an emergency department visit, clinic visit or critical care service to be reimbursed. Reimbursement for direct admission to observation must be submitted with a base hospital observation service to be eligible for reimbursement; direct admission to observation is not reimbursable with critical care services.

Observation services must be submitted with a Type of Bill 13x or 85x to be eligible for reimbursement. Observation services must be reported on a single line. The date of service for that line is the date that observation care begins – observation services should not be reported on separate claim lines or with a date span, even when the period of observation care spans more than one calendar day.


Observation services are not reimbursable when any of the following are applicable:

  • Performed outside the 8-to-48-hour period (ex: 7 hours or 49 hours)
  • Performed across a date span greater than 3 days
  • Submitted without Type of Bill 13x and 85x
  • Submitted without an emergency department visit, clinic visit or critical care service on the same date of service or day before

Observation services performed for routine decision-making monitoring, preparation, intra-operative monitoring or recovery/post-operative care related to a diagnostic, surgical or therapeutic procedure are considered integral to the base procedure and are not separately reimbursable. Blue Cross NC references CMS’s Ambulatory Payment Classification (APC) code list of services assigned a status indicator J1 or T to define surgical, diagnostic and therapeutic procedures.

Direct admission to observation is not eligible for reimbursement when submitted without the base hospital observation service, as well as when submitted with critical care services.

Billing and Coding

Applicable codes are for reference only and may not be all inclusive.  For further information on reimbursement guidelines, please see the Blue Cross NC web site at

Related CodingDescription
G0378Hospital observation service, per hour
G0379Direct admission of patient for hospital observation care 
99291Critical care, evaluation and management
0762Specialty Services, Observation Hours

Related policy

Bundling Guidelines

Add-On Services

Global Surgery


Healthcare Common Procedure Coding System

American Medical Association, Current Procedural Terminology (CPT®) CPT® (Current Procedural Terminology) | AMA (

Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, International Classification of Diseases, 10th Revision ICD- 10 - CM International Classification of Diseases, Tenth Revision, Clinical Modification (ICD-10-CM) (

Medicare Manage Care Manual MCM Chapter 4 (


6/1/2022 New policy developed. Medical Director approved. Notification on 3/31/2022 for effective date 6/1/2022. (eel)

12/31/2022 Routine policy review. Minor revisions only. (ckb)

09/01/2024 Clarifying updates made to Reimbursement Guidelines. Added language limiting reimbursement to observation services performed greater than 7 hours and adhering to claim submission requirements. RPOC approved. Notification on 07/01/2024 for effective date 09/01/2024 (ss)

04/01/2025 Clarifying updates made to Reimbursement Guidelines. Added observation services billed with surgery, diagnostic or therapeutic services to the non-reimbursable section. Notification on 02/01/2025 for effective date 04/01/2025 (ss)


These reimbursement requirements apply to all commercial, Administrative Services Only (ASO), and Blue Card Inter-Plan Program Host Members (other Blue Cross and/or Blue Shield Plan Members who seek care from the NC service area). This policy does not apply to Blue Cross NC Members who seek care in other states.

This policy relates only to the services and/or supplies described herein. Please refer to the applicable Member's Benefit Booklet for availability of benefits. Member's benefits may vary according to benefit design; therefore, Member benefit language should be reviewed before applying the terms of this policy.


Reimbursement policy is not an authorization, certification, explanation of benefits or a contract. Benefits and eligibility are determined before medical guidelines and payment guidelines are applied. Benefits are determined by the group contract and subscriber certificate that is in effect at the time services are rendered. This document is solely provided for informational purposes only and is based on research of current medical literature and review of common medical practices in the treatment and diagnosis of disease. Medical practices and knowledge are constantly changing and Blue Cross NC reserves the right to review and revise its medical and reimbursement policies periodically.