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Get started with Blue Medicare Advantage

Welcome to Blue Medicare Advantage℠. With these next steps, you can get the most out of your plan.

Register for online access

Blue Connect℠ is your secure, personalized member portal. You can find your plan documents, opt in to AutoPay, check claims, find care, go paperless, and more – all in one place. You can register for Blue Connect as early as 30 days before your plan starts.

Schedule a visit with your provider

Remember to schedule an annual preventive visit.

  • If you are new to Medicare, be sure to call your doctor and schedule your Welcome to Medicare Visit.
  • Your Medicare Advantage plan covers both an annual physical AND an annual wellness visit.
  • You can search for in-network providers and choose your primary care provider in your Blue Connect member portal.

Make the most of your pharmacy benefits

If your plan includes drug coverage, learn about the steps you should take to make the most of your benefits, including:

  • Registering for online access
  • Choosing a pharmacy
  • Checking your list of covered drugs
  • Signing up for mail order delivery
  • Asking about generic alternatives
  • Keeping track of your medication

Review your Evidence of Coverage

You can review your benefits in your Evidence of Coverage (EOC) document. You can find your EOC in your Blue Connect member portal or in the Forms Library.

Your EOC document lists the benefits and services covered by your plan, your out-of-pocket cost for each service, and your prescription benefit information, if applicable.

Authorize a caregiver

If someone is helping you manage your health care, we'll need your permission to share your medical information with them.

Print and complete the Member Authorization Request Form, then mail it to Blue Cross and Blue Shield of North Carolina (Blue Cross NC) at the address listed on the form.

Take your health assessment

The Health Assessment Questionnaire1 in your Blue Connect member portal can give you a picture of your overall health and help you know what to discuss with your doctor.

The Health Assessment is confidential and will not impact your plan options or rate.