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Call us

Get fast answers to your plan, billing and coverage questions.

Have your member ID card?

Calling the phone number on the back of your member ID card provides the fastest and most direct service for questions. 

Don't have your member ID card?

Please call: 888-206-4697

Mon. through Fri., 8 AM to 6 PM ET

Hearing or speech impaired?

Please call 800-442-7028

TTY users dial 711

Please note that you will need to identify yourself in order to be directed to the appropriate Customer Service department for your plan. 

Need help purchasing a plan?

Reach out for help picking a plan, including when and how coverage can be purchased.

Call us to get answers to your Blue Cross and Blue Shield of North Carolina (Blue Cross NC) plan, bill or claims questions. You can also call us to learn more about purchasing a plan.

Individual and family plans (under age 65)

800-324-4973 (toll-free) 

Mon. through Thurs., 8 AM to 6 PM ET, and Fri., 8 AM to 5 PM ET

Group plans (company sponsored)

800-291-6315 (toll-free) 

Mon. through Thurs., 8 AM to 6 PM ET, and Fri., 8 AM to 5 PM ET

Para asistencia en español


De lunes a jueves, de 8 AM a 6 PM ET, viernes, de 8 AM a 5 PM ET

Purchasing a Medicare plan?

Reach out for help picking the right Medicare plan, including when and how coverage can be purchased.

Blue Medicare HMO℠ & PPO℠

800-665-8037 (toll-free)

TTY users dial 711

Mon. through Sun., 8 AM to 8 PM ET

Blue Medicare Rx℠ (PDP)

800-661-5518 (toll-free)

TTY users dial 711

Mon. through Sun., 8 AM to 8 PM ET

Blue Medicare Supplement℠

800-478-0583 (toll-free)

TTY users dial 711

Mon. through Fri., 8 AM to 5 PM ET

Healthy Blue + Medicare℠


TTY users dial 711

Mon. through  Sun., 8 AM to 8 PM ET

Get more help

Not the support you need? You can visit us in person, get agent resources or report health care fraud and abuse.

Additional phone numbers